Robot Edge2Trac/es

Robot Edge2Trac

Ubicación en el Menú
Robot → Edge to trajectory
Entornos de trabajo
Atajo de teclado por defecto
Introducido en versión
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Insert a new object which decompose edges to a trajectory.


  1. Select edges of shapes/solids
  2. Click on or choose Robot Edge to Trajectory... from the top menu.
  3. A menu will pop up in the Task panel
  4. In the top white box there will be displayed the name of the shape/solid present in the scene.
    By selecting edges they will appear with their name in the lowest white box.
    By clicking on Apply the entries "Edges" and "Cluster" will turn green and the numbers beside them will show how many elements were recognized.
    By clicking on OK you will close this dialog.


You are able to change values for this trajectory by defining a Trajectory Dress-up.